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       Open Doors is a fiction meets non-fiction career guide for young readers.  Benjamin has no idea what he wants to be when he grows up.  Luckily, he has Ms. G. to help him figure out the things he likes to do.  Ben (and the reader) takes a short personality test early in the book to find out how he likes to spend his time and identifies what skills he has (or aspires to have).  Then our character, along with his neighbor, tour the neighborhood, visiting six different houses reflecting each of the possible personality test results.   The people living in each house each have professions that are appropriate to their personality types.

       He meets Ernie the engineer, Danny the dentist, Grace the graphic designer and over 20 additional neighbors.  He learns all about what they do, how they do it, and what a kid can do to get ready now. Ben discovers that he can become whatever he wants to be, and you can, too!  Start by joining Benjamin as he opens those doors.

Imagine a generation of children who believe that learning matters and take advantage of the opportunity to be educated.

In one generation, we can change entire communities! 

Remember, if they see it, they can be it.

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